Chocolate and Banana Sorbet.
What goes together better than chocolate and bananas?Perfect match made in heaven!I already have one Chocolate banana cake recipe in the blog.As i told you will be back with one more sorbet here it is!This is a treat for banana and chocolate lovers!This one i made for my son who loves both.
Over riped bananas resuts in this easy peasy frozen sorbet!It melts easily at room temperature.Creamy texture of banana with a decadent chocolate flavour who can resist?If your kids love banana try it out in this hot summer season.
If you have some chocolate cakes or brownie serve it with that and treat your kids!To make this i used frozen banana,cocoa powder and condensed milk.Churn it until smooth and freeze it,Here ready your sorbet!
- 2 cups banana
- 3 tbsp cocoa powder
- 1/3 cup condensed milk
Cut bananas in round and freeze it for 3 to 4 hours.
Take it out put all the ingredients in a food processor and bend blend blend until
it becomes smooth and creamy.Freeze it for 4 to 6 hours and serve.
Tip:You can also avoid condensed milk and coco and add nutella to it.
As i said earlier you can make it to a milkshake if you want to.
Enjoy this lovely frozen dessert!
1 Comment
Yum! that must have been a real tasty dessert!