Berry Meringue Roulade – A Guest Post For Ashee’s Cookbook

I’m so excited to do my first guest post to Ashee’s space!Really it’s a wonderful feeling when someone ask us to do a guest post in their blog and this is my first experience as such! hehe!
Thank you Asheera for choosing me as a second guest in your blog!When she asked me to do this, without thinking twice i accepted her invitation!We are developing our little friendship through this world and glad to know you more Asheera!A humble sweet person in natureShe has many delicious recipes on her blog and some simple and quick steps to make home made goodies like chocolates,cheese and many such!
When Asheera asked me to do the guest post i was wondering what shall i give to her beautiful space! I approached her to know if she has any specific recipe type in her mind like savory or sweet, to which she immediately replied by saying she always prefer sweet! How sweet hehe! So i thought i should give my best !And here it is, one of my most favorite dessert in roulade form!Yes my favorite Pavlova! Berry Meringue Roulade is a melt in mouth deliciousness with a crispy crust and fluffy inside!To see the detailed recipe hop to her space Asheescookbook.
The fourth image is an awesome click. That one image says it all. You are an amazing dessert maker and wish I could hire you 😛
Thank you so much fami!